The project 

Death and dying will affect all of us. It is a part of life. The National Palliative Care Strategy identifies six guiding principles help us work towards providing quality palliative care to everyone in our community.

The Part of Life Project aimed to increase awareness that death is a part of life and encourage people to learn care and plan. It included three key project activities: Part of Life Campaign; Dying2Learn; and Multicultural Podcasts. The Part of Life Project has been funded by the Department of Health as an extension to our 2017-2020 agreement.

Part of Life campaign

This promotional campaign was built on the six principles listed below. It included social media, PR stories, FB advertising and a series of blogs and videos. The campaign also showed how CareSearch is contributing to improving palliative care in Australia.

Dying2Learn MOOC

Birth and death - these are something we will all have to cope with. But when it comes to the latter, we seem reluctant to think about, talk about, and plan for it.

Dying2Learn is an online course that aims to enable Australians to be more comfortable talking about death and dying, understand what shapes our views and attitudes, and be confident when addressing issues that will affect us all at the end-of-life. The Dying2Learn 2020 massive open online course (MOOC) was run from 5th October to 2nd November.

You can explore some of the MOOC content n our new Dying2Learn Hub.

Multicultural podcasts

Everyone is different. So we need to make sure that the message is meaningful to the audience. We are working with the Multicultural Communities Council of SA and Palliative Care SA to create community specific messages and podcasts around palliative care and end of life.

You can find some of these resources in our new Diversity Hub.

Last updated 02 August 2021