Run the CareSearch heart failure search filter with or without palliative care

To support broad application of the CareSearch filters we have developed two filters for this topic. A filter to capture all literature related to heart failure and a second filter to capture the subset of literature in the context of palliative care.

Heart failure filter

Heart failure: A heterogeneous condition in which the heart is unable to pump out sufficient blood to meet the metabolic need of the body. Heart failure can be caused by structural defects, functional abnormalities (e.g. ventricular dysfunction), or a sudden overload beyond its capacity. Includes both chronic heart failure and acute heart failure.
Source: MeSH Thesaurus

Note: This search retrieves everything in English on heart failure. 

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Palliative Care and Heart Failure

Palliative care: An approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.
Source: WHO Definition of Palliative Care.

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Last updated 01 September 2021

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