Palliative News

New CareSearch guides for GPs

Patients often turn to their GP for support as they approach their end of life. Where do you begin?
To help we have developed a series of Guides for GPs to signpost access to actionable, relevant, evidence-based CareSearch resources that can help from the first conversation about end of life through to supporting bereaved family members and claiming MBS remuneration.
Download the guide for GPs providing palliative care in the community and others in the series developed to support you in caring for specific population groups. Printed packs of all 4 guides can be ordered using the order form.

Friday, 2 December 2022

New and expanded Nurses hub developed with nurses – for nurses

This week CareSearch has released a substantially expanded and updated Nurses hub. Developed in collaboration with nurses from across the care system and based on the latest evidence, the nurses hub provides practical information, tools, and resources across:

Planning, Communication, Assessment, Clinical care, End of life care, Loss, grief, and bereavement.

With a focus on assisting nurses to recognise, assess, and manage diverse palliative care needs, the new Symptoms management section also includes opportunities to record learning activity and practice reflections for each topic. We invite you to visit the new content and let us know what you think.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Partner updates – palliAGED Evidence for comorbidity and multimorbidity

Almost two thirds of adults over 80 years of age have three or more chronic diseases. This topic in palliAGED’s Evidence Centre has now been substantially updated and expanded to explain the impact of multiple chronic conditions on care at the end of life for older people. It provides wide-ranging and extensively researched evidence summaries to guide aged care practice in this area. The Practice Centre pages also provide practical resources and tools that staff can use to support older people in their care.

Friday, 3 June 2022

Last updated 24 August 2021