Palliative News

Using evidence to improve service delivery - major new resource

CareSearch’s new Evidence and Translation Centre, to be launched in National Palliative Care Week 2022, includes new two new hubs, Evidence Training and Translation Training.  It is a major expansion of our palliative care resources and information for health professionals.
The centre aims to support access to evidence and its use to improve the care of people with palliative care needs. Evidence helps us to understand what is effective and what is not. The centre is set to be available from 24 May.

If you are not doing so already, follow us on Twitter in the coming weeks for more information about this new resource and all of our latest sector updates.

Friday, 20 May 2022

Resources from our partner palliAGED

The 2nd editions of the palliAGED Practice Tips Sheets for nurses and careworkers are now here. Five new topics and new Next Steps pages, as well as new online versions with links to resources and tools, and improved accessibility for tablet and mobile devices, are now available. Read our blog to learn more
You can order printed copies, view or download the booklets and individual sheets for free. Find Practice Tips for Careworkers and practice tips for Practice Tips for Nurses.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Tune in to PCNA conference topics with CareSearch Blog Posts

CareSearch collaborated with Palliative Care Nurses Australia (PCNA) to bring you a special Palliative Perspectives conference blog series with daily coverage from eight presenters at the PCNA Conference 2022, 1-4 May 2022.
After each presenter’s live presentation, a blog post was published to raise awareness of the research being undertaken and giving people not present at the conference the opportunity to stay tuned in to proceedings. To revisit these posts, go the Palliative Perspectives blog.

Monday, 2 May 2022

Last updated 24 August 2021