Supporting lay carers to provide palliative symptom management The aim of modern palliative care, whether provided by generalist, or specialist service providers, is to support palliative patients to live and die within the context of... Read more... 23/10/2017 | Health Professionals | Aged Care in home Tags: Home care Views: 407
A new mobile app "AllowMe!" to assist people to create a community... Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is proud to announce the release of a new mobile app, AllowMe!. The app assists people who are caring for someone with a life-limiting illness... Read more... 18/10/2017 | Community | Patients and Carers Tags: Digital health Views: 282
Carers and caring at the end of life In May 2014, Carers Australia published a discussion paper, Dying at home: Preferences and roles for unpaid carers. It seems fitting that during National Carers Week we... Read more... 16/10/2017 | Community | Patients and Carers Tags: End-of-Life Care Views: 358