The importance of communication in palliative care Staff at the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner have been listening to the stories of those dying in aged care since we first began on 1 January 2016. These stories help us to... Read more... 29/08/2018 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Person-centred care | ELDAC Views: 605
What is the relationship between good advocacy services and good... Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) manages the National Aged Care Advocacy Program. OPAN provides information, education and free, confidential individual advocacy to both... Read more... 28/08/2018 | Community | Older Australia Tags: Accessing services and support Views: 376
CareSearch: Easy and rapid access to reliable information Health professionals, as well as patients and their carers and families, need easy and rapid access to reliable information to make informed and often difficult decisions about... Read more... 24/08/2018 | CareSearch Project Tags: Evidence-based palliative care Views: 272
CareSearch: Supporting paediatric palliative care Paediatric palliative care is a holistic approach to the care of children with life-limiting illness and their families. It aims to enhance the quality of life for the child... Read more... 21/08/2018 | Health Professionals | Paediatrics Tags: QuoCCA | CareSearch 10 year anniversary Views: 418