Using an online learning environment to enhance community... In the third blog for our National Palliative Care Projects series, Lachlan Puzey, Policy Officer at Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) discusses how the... Read more... 30/09/2020 | Health Professionals | HP Education Tags: Education and training | National Palliative Care Projects Views: 406
End of Life Law for Clinicians: Supporting end of life and... In the second blog for our National Palliative Care Projects series, Ms Penny Neller, Professor Lindy Willmott, and Professor Ben White from the Australian Centre for Health... Read more... 23/09/2020 | Health Professionals | HP Education Tags: National Palliative Care Projects | End-of-life law Views: 400
Understanding a strategy, delivering a project The Department of Health is supporting a number of national programs to help ensure that all Australians have access and receive the best possible palliative care and end... Read more... 17/09/2020 | Health Professionals | HP Education Tags: National Palliative Care Projects Views: 417
Mental health and older adults: working with grief Grief and loss often impact older adults more, which can increase their likelihood of developing mental illness. Felicity Chapman, Mental Health Clinician and Aged Care... Read more... 14/09/2020 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Mental health Views: 347