Why quality in palliative care guidance for aged care matters Given the pressures on the aged care system and the reform agenda currently in play, there is a continuing need to ensure that current evidence and resources are available to... Read more... 13/05/2019 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: palliAGED | Evidence-based palliative care Views: 438
Quality improvement – what now? Many palliative care services are involved in quality improvement (QI) activities to make healthcare safer, effective, patient centered, timely, efficient and equitable.... Read more... 10/05/2019 | Implementation and Translation Tags: Strategy and policy Views: 722
Recognising the need to upskill Australia’s future aged care workforce Australia’s age services sector is a major employer but maintaining and developing a skilled workforce is a major challenge. Sean Rooney, CEO of Leading Age Services... Read more... 9/05/2019 | Health Professionals | HP Education | InFocus | Education Tags: Education and training | ELDAC Views: 1215
Building resilience in the aged care sector Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) has not forgotten its place in helping to upskill and empower the aged care workforce in responding to residents reaching the end... Read more... 2/05/2019 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Education and training | ELDAC Views: 277