Fitting the pieces together: Completing the big picture puzzle of... A fundamental aspect of palliative care is that it is supposed to be “holistic care”. At an individual level, this emphasises the requirement to not only consider... Read more... 8/12/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: End-of-Life Care Views: 369
Assessing and managing patients’ pain in palliative care Pain is one of a range of common symptoms experienced by palliative patients. Keep in mind that a patient with a life-limiting illness can experience, on average, 12 or 13... Read more... 1/12/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Pain management Views: 727
'In my own bed': Managing dying patients at home 'Staying at home' is a bit of a mantra for palliative care. When time is precious, home and family beckon as a place of safety and comfort, where a person can... Read more... 24/11/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Home care Views: 336
Caring for our own – the rewards and challenges of rural... Providing palliative care in rural settings brings unique rewards and challenges. While many aspects of the care that rural practitioners provide are similar to that of our... Read more... 16/11/2015 | Health Professionals Tags: Rural and remote health Views: 302